Opals…Our Most Popular Album Packages

Six hours of continuous coverage

150 4” x 6” color previews to keep, selected by you on-line, OR, all of your images on a High Resolution CD (Your Digital Negatives) right away with full copyright granted

One 10” X 10” Digital multi-image 30 page (sides) Storybook Album with a photographic

cover, designed by us, OR, 30 large images in the same album (designed by you)

One 11”x 14” and Two 8”x 10” Color Prints OR, One 16” x 20” Print

Posting of your wedding on the Internet for 6 months with password

protection (included are “information cards” for your guests)

If you select the 150 preview option above, after three years

you receive all of your digital negatives for free                                                              $2,695


Opal Options

Add 50 4” x 6” color previews $ 3.00 each                add $150

Add 2 additional hours of coverage                                add $400

Add a 6” x 6” Family Album (either a clone of the Storybook Album

above, OR, 30 single images selected by them)                                                          add $495


Opal Special

8 hours of coverage, 200 previews OR the Digital Negatives,

Storybook Album designed by us, Two 30 print Family Albums, your

Enlargements and Photos online for 6 months.

Save $ 500! a $3,985 package for only.....                                                                $3,485